Andrea – the short story

Andrea Broadfoot


Andrea Broadfoot is an Australian author, born in the summer of 1969.  A country girl at heart, Andrea has written as a freelance journalist, poet and storyteller, while enjoying life, love and work in regional communities. Andrea is mother of beloved twins, and grandmother of two amazing granddaughters to date. She has explored a range of healing modalities and loves to learn, enhance clarity, meet challenges heart on, to expand her awareness and deepen trust in the process of life.

In her profession Andrea is a solutions specialist who runs a consultancy with her partner Jack.

What Wisdom Whispers is her first book, a memoir that traverses the life and lessons of a woman searching for love in all the wrong places only to come home to find herself, where true love must reside.

What Wisdom Whispers shares the travails, tragedies and triumphs that have been gifted Andrea so far. This book is written as an honouring of her lineage and a healing for the world.

Acknowledgement of Country 

I honour the Traditional Custodians of the Country where I have the privilege to be born and grow. I acknowledge their wisdom, connection to and care of this land which has never been ceded. 

I thank my Aboriginal friends, mentors and colleagues for sharing your stories and for your support and love, and I recognise Elders past, present and emerging.

Author pictures by Robert Lang Photography 

A love note from Andrea

Author and healing storyteller.


“I learned to read aged three and always knew I would write a book or three, or more. A lifetime of loving words unlocked entire worlds for me through the stories of others, which always felt like they were in my voice somehow. Alongside my love of reading I keep a journal to record insights, thoughts, dreams and the voice of wisdom who whispers guidance worth listening to. A fisherwoman and country girl, I love being in nature, and noticing the signs of love and life that are everywhere. We have so much to learn.


Across decades my work has focused on professional writing, because words made ideas come to life, progressed action and unlocked resources, and I have dabbled in freelance journalism throughout my career with various columns over time. 

Finally I wrote my first book. Called What Wisdom Whispers.

It’s a memoir, a life event, a labour of love.”


If you are interested in how the whispers of trees evolved into listening to the whispers of wisdom, sign up to receive updates and you will be on our Wisdom Whispers list. You will be first to know about events, speaking gigs and workshops and I will post a regular blog designed to connect our worlds through words, that we may grow, learn, heal and be whole.